As my mother’s birthday approaches,
I think of possible birthday gifts to celebrate
her presence in my life,
a handwritten note,
a video compilation,
a watercolor portrait,
a badly baked pastry,
all products of a creative process
mirroring the way
She brought me into this plane of existence.
Our recent fight comes to the forefront of my mind
a reminder that my mother,
like the rest of us,
is human.
Not a Wonder Woman who has come to save the day
even though I grew up loving these heroes,
displaying their feats of strength
and superhuman abilities
Whose flaws were always so plainly obvious
with equally obvious solutions:
an obscure crystal here,
the occasional damsel-in-distress there.
These heroes never taught me
about navigating the complexity of growing up
of managing my emotions,
of putting up with disappointment,
of tackling my imposter syndrome
of learning to be true to myself,
even when others do not agree
My mother taught me
to wear these medals of hardship around my neck proudly
from my ABCs, till the day I flew out of the country.
Most times, giving me the time and space I need
to explore these very human experiences
through my own lens.
Her love, though transmitted by radio waves
and appearing as an icon on my computer screen
felt as real and alive
as the heart that beat within my chest.
My mother gave me freedom
liberating and sweet,
like the air I breathe.
So I take this gift,
and use it to bring light to the ones I love
it might reach her too.
Holding out a hand in the darkness,
which she may find herself in
when all seems lost.
What they don’t tell you
is that mothers wade through pain and uncertainty
as much as we do.
Maybe even more.
The waves of crushing anxiety beating at their lungs,
closing in all at once.
So I toss a life vest to you, mom
Poetry is a rope in a storm,
pulling you to a place where you can love yourself
the way you have taught me.
Happy Birthday, Mom
22 June 2021

This is so so beautiful.
Poetry, a rope in the storm. Love this.