Self-awareness is a double-edged sword
On one hand,
I wield with unwaveringly, forging through with my own conviction
Navigating tricky situations by understanding my limitations
Socrates says ‘know thyself’
I cannot begin to understand others
when I do not fully understand the person that wears this flesh husk,
the soul that breathes into these very words,
or the various roles I slip into like clothes on a rack.
What Socrates did not tell me
is that one may sometimes view themselves as
the eye of the hurricane;
Clouds condensing to form this heaviness
That sits at the pit of my belly
churning and swirling without rest,
a storm brewing in the horizon
I am so good at spotting my emotions
Maybe too good
You ever hear of self-fulfilling prophecies?
In psychology, we learn about these,
how our brains our so powerful in converting thought and ideas
Into actions and beliefs
the mere thought of thinking you are good at something,
propelling you to pursue it even more.
Even while armed with this knowledge,
My emotions get the better of me
My self-awareness studies my anger, my sorrow
My joy, each individual crayon of this beautiful, yet messy portrait
Analysing them like they were data sets
Seeking a cause, an effect, and a solution
But emotions do not wish to be restrained and simplified
They flit around, I am Harry Potter chasing the Golden Snitch
My happiness, an inch away from my outstretched hands
For two amazing years, my pockets have been full
Of these golden snitches, each carrying a memory
That changes into slightly different versions
each time I try to replay them in my head
Sadly, my head is not a hard drive with folders that exist in isolation
The golden snitches rattle around, bump into each other
Biases building bridges across the gaps
to create this mesh of past experiences
Now I am home, surrounded by the familiarity of family and
The conformity of community
Longing comes in waves
Some days you barely feel the water
Others, it takes you by surprise till you feel yourself gasping for air
I tell myself that it is okay to feel the pelts of water on my face
It is okay that I sit with my pain and allow it to overcome me
I do not need to chase after the golden snitch today
It is enough that I am acknowledging this gaping hole in my heart
It is enough that I am not turning a blind eye towards my inner child
This heaviness will not rust within me
This heaviness will help ground me into the fresh-cut grass
This heaviness will one day allow me to break through the chains of repression
Neuroplasticity tells us to let go of the useless stuff
And make room for what is relevant
My golden snitches are not weighing me back
They’re helping me fly.

Needless to say, I am loving the references to Harry Potter. Now I cannot unsee the golden snitch as a symbol of the question: What do you need to pay more attention to today? Ay, Self-Awareness. Thank you Amanda. And if I could gift you a Remembrall, I would. So you would remember what is truly important in your heart every single day. And yes to peel away the layers of what does not serve your spirit. Nindota pud ani ug imo nang i Spoken Word. ❤️